How much does it cost a dental implant at a dental school?

Question by sobusy: How much does it cost a dental implant at a dental school?
I know a regular dental implant costs about 3200$ (total cost with crown) but I heard dental schools have cheaper prices.Anyone knows how much is it and are the students reliable?Do they perform under the supervision of an experienced dentist? Is there a dental school in Tampa?

Best answer:

Answer by arae8419
You can generally assume when going to a dental school that the price will be about half of a normal dentist. We have two schools in our area, Detroit, at U of Michigan you have to see a student if you want the cheap price but they dont stick you with the rookie students, and they have actual dentists who come and check what they are doing step by step to make sure everything looks good. At the other school over here, U of Detroit Mercy you can see a student or an instructor as you wish both at half price so it depends on where you go.
I went to U of M for a root canal and though the appointment takes longer, since they have to have the teacher check it out every so often, but it was worth it to save 300 bucks.

I found this on a search…

There are 2 dental schools in the state of Florida - Nova Southeastern is in Ft Lauderdale and University of Florida at Gainesville is in Gainesville. Both should be accepting patients for their clinics.

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What skin care am I supposed to take for my marriage after three months?

Question by Zidan: What skin care am I supposed to take for my marriage after three months?
I have my marriage in June and have been taking care of my skin a lot. But I want to know if there are any skin care tips or fasical masks that would be helpful and what sort of skin care should I take for a clear and glowing skin.

Best answer:

Answer by Gurly2
Vitamin E oil works wonders, they also have the Vitamin E pills but I personally like the oil better, I also you Mary Kay’s microderm abrasion, Im sure it all works the same (the microderm abrasion kits) so try those out.

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what dental implant center in Kansas City is recommended?

Question by regular guy: what dental implant center in Kansas City is recommended?
We need help in finding a good dental implant provider in Kansas City. Please let us know from your experience what dental implant center in Kansas city provides good service and quality? and How do we know where to go to have a dental implant? Any bad dental implant center that we need to avoid? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Sam
Look if you are looking for a quality dental implants center then you should not look the distances. When I suffered from dental problem then I went to Houston after getting advised from one of my friend. I went to Dr. Brueggen Dental Implant Center and it simply paid off. I went covering a long distance and what I got was simply amazing. Extraordinary check up and the implantation was superb. Now after nearly 8 month I face no problem at all regarding my dental implantation. Initially I went through their site and then I visited his center. Though it is in Houston but I must refer you this service because of their quality.

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What in dentistry is it called to replace a missing tooth?

Question by I color outside the lines: What in dentistry is it called to replace a missing tooth?
What is the term used in dentistry to replace a missing tooth? I had a root canal done on a tooth, and it was never finished, the tooth was left hollow and it recently just broke off and only a small peice up close to the gum line is broken. It is my left front tooth. It’s very unattractive, and I need to get it fixed. Would this procedure be called a crown, a cap or what exactly is involved in cosmetic dentistry to replace a missing tooth? Is it expensive?

Best answer:

Answer by Black Fedora
You have some options….a crown is probablythe simplest, cheapest and most common. You can also have a bridge, an implant, or a prosthetic (removable plate).

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Question by khadra: !!!!!!!!!dentistry!!!!!!!!!?
ok so i am planning to pursue dentistry in college. i want to know what classes am i required to take to make it in?

Best answer:

Answer by satoshigurl
It depends where you will study it. In some countries, they would require you to finish the 2-year preparatory course for Dentistry or what they call “Predent” where you’ll have to take up basic sciences and other subjects like Math, English, Botany, etc. After finishing the preparatory course, you’ll be accepted to enter the Dentistry proper which takes about 4 years.

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cosmetic surgery?

Question by 2_much_rock_4_1_hand_baby: cosmetic surgery?
i was just wondering what everyone’s opinion on cosmetic surgery is.
im planning on getting it when i am of age, not to look fake but just to feel better about myself.
i watch dr. 90210 and i think i would like to have dr. li as the surgeon for a breast augmentation i may get. i would have to be really rich though, cuz most insurance companies dont pay for it right?
o i thought she only did like breast augmentation and reductions etc but she does really nice nose refinements and stuff. so if i become rich (in my dreams) i could get surgeries by her.
ok apparently ppl dont understand wat i mean.

i know the risks etc etc i just dont think theres a problem with getting a surgery to feel better about yourself. and if you feel thats what u want to do, i say go for it. i cant really explain it online

Best answer:

Answer by Interior Designer
Each of us has a “self-image,” a perception of how we believe we look to others. People who are happy with their self-image are more likely to be self-confident, effective in work and social situations, and comfortable in their relationships.

No matter what type of plastic surgery you’re considering, the most important factor in its success is the surgeon you choose.

I had breast aumentation in Octobre 2004, I am so happy with the results.

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What are some of the best theatre colleges in Boston?

Question by x: What are some of the best theatre colleges in Boston?
I’m planning on majoring in theatre arts or theatre education, and I think Boston would be an excellent city to attend college in. I have a few schools in mind, but what would you suggest? If you know any good schools for theatre that aren’t in Boston please list those too.

I’m a good student, with a GPA above 3.5 and some extracurricular activities and community service mostly in the realms of theatre. The college has to be reasonable to get into. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by DEE W
That is a common major. I would pick the school you like.

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Where do I start in learning theatre?

Question by definitely: Where do I start in learning theatre?
I want to learn theatre, and excel in it. I also want to do it for a worthy cause - I want a theatre that’s sincere, where there is real warmth, real passion for drama, real love for theatre and fellow actors. I don’t want a place where people are in there to prove themselves. I know it’s idealistic, but I want to find a place that is in the least like that where I can develop myself. I’m young, and still in school. I will be studying theatre from next year onwards. But how do I get the exposure?

Best answer:

Answer by Kate
im starting right now in my theater class in my high school.
i know a lot of community theatres and centers also have classes. check out things around your town. also, there are TONS of books on it. and my last piece of advice i got from an orchestra experience. if we want to improve and really study the passion behind the music, we are supposed to attend as many professional concerts as possible. you can learn so much by observing and studying different styles. i would expect it should be the same with theatre. i would most definately see if you can get tickets to a broadway production or something near you. maybe ask for some tickets for christmas!
hope i could help!

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What is the differance between Theater and theatre?

Question by DolfinSong: What is the differance between Theater and theatre?
My friend and i have an argument, she says they both stand for the same thing and can be used interchangeably. I think theater is more for movie theaters, and theatre is more for live plays etc. Who is right?

Best answer:

Answer by Choo
“Theater” is the American way of spelling while “theatre” is the British one. They mean the same thing, just like “center” and “centre” do. Countries that were under British rule at one point or another, usually keep the British spelling. In other countries, both words are used interchangeably.
Hmm but I don’t think that “theater” is linked to movie theaters and “theatre” for live plays. It’ll depend on the country you are in. If you live in any part of America, both spellings usually would be correct. However, in some other countries like the UK (rather obviously) and those who were under British rule, the British spelling is preferred.

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Dental implant?

Question by juda75: Dental implant?
I just had a dental implant done last week and once it is healed I will be having the crown placed. Two questions…does dental insurance typically cover the crown placement? and how soon after the implant will I know if my body rejects it?
And before you say it i have reviewed my plan benefits and know that crowns are covered at 50%…just want to know if anyone had issues getting an implant crown approved?

Best answer:

Answer by aahna
well you will need to wait around three to six months as by this time jawbone heals and whether the implant is accepted or not can be predicted after this time period.

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