How can cancer develop in really healthy people taking good care of themselves?

Question by caltam84: How can cancer develop in really healthy people taking good care of themselves?
A heavy smoker can develop lung cancer because of harmful chemicals overtime to his lungs. But sometimes, lung cancer can develop in a nonsmoker’s lung. Or breast cancer can develop in a healthy woman’s body.

Don’t get me wrong. I know that healthy people are much less likely to get cancer. However, sometimes cancer can develop in healthy people.

Best answer:

Answer by Tania’s second mom
We all possess a gene for cancer. Even scientist don’t know why some get it nd others don’t. Cancer cells don’t care how young you are or how healthy you are. If it manifest itself, then it will. Its almost like they have a mind of their own. My sister-in-law never smoked, always ate well and at 33 developed breast cancer which later traveled to her lungs and killed her. it is no respecter of anyone. My own sister never smoked either. In fact she’s the only one who didn’t. She developed breast cancer and 15 yrs later got brain cancer. No one knows why, we can only hope that scientist can pin point the whys someday. Be blessed

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What are the symptoms in a dental implant failure?

Question by Syler: What are the symptoms in a dental implant failure?
i just had a dental implant and it has been 1 and a half months.Plus i smoke.i recently quit because of the dental implant and i started again a week before.While i was brushing there was little bleeding near the implant does this indicate a failure? The second stage of the implant is in February should i quit ? and start again in February? Please help me i am worried.

Best answer:

Answer by Dan W
Bleeding is not an indication your implant is failing. Signs to look for include pus coming from area around the implant, pain can be an indication there is a problem(implant failure can be painless), but the sign that I would be concerned about is mobility or movement of the implant. A simple xray can confirm the implant is in good shape. You should return to the surgeon who placed the implant if you still have concerns. I’m sure you know that implants have better success rate in non smokers. If there is a time that it is important to avoid smoking it is immediately after it is placed. If the implant is failing quitting smoking for 6 weeks is not going to save it now.

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What is the difference between Pre-Dentistry and Dentistry?

Question by Kaybay<3: What is the difference between Pre-Dentistry and Dentistry?
I’m thinking about which college to attend. Some colleges say “Pre-dentistry” and some say “dentistry” is there a difference? Also what does the denstistry program cover; dentist, orthodontist, hygienist or all of the above?
So it would be better off in the future if I took dentistry instead of pre-dentistry?

Best answer:

Answer by sasuber
pre dentistry is a school for the less experienced student dentists. Dentristry is a school for more experienced dentists kind of like a graduate school. hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!

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How to know that the skin care product is suitable for your skin?

Question by Candy: How to know that the skin care product is suitable for your skin?
I’m 15 years old Asian teenager.
I want to know that how to know that skin care product like cleanser, scrub or else is suitable for skin.
Can someone tell me if that skin care product is not suitable for the skin, what will happen.
Does St.Ives Apricot Scrub suitable for teenagers?

Best answer:

Answer by jolicious
not sure but srubing too much at young age isnt good…

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What Type Of Dentistry is the most earning and what places?

Question by i_love_bugs_8: What Type Of Dentistry is the most earning and what places?
What type of dentistry makes the most money and how long must you go to school for that type of dentistry. Where do dentsits make the most money what states, cities? I know Utah is the least earning and alaska is the most but why arent that many dentists in alaska. Thank you in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by PenPress
Oral Surgery, Endodontics and Orthodontics.

Doesn’t matter in which state, but definitely in affluent neighborhoods.

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What is a really good skin care product for dry skin and blackheads?

Question by xoxoxo: What is a really good skin care product for dry skin and blackheads?
My skin is pretty dry and I get zits often and mostly blackheads. I have tried Clean & Clear and St. Ives which doesn’t seem to work and Oxy and Clearisil which dried out my skin. What is a really effective skin care product that will not dry out my skin and get rid of my blackheads and other types of pimples? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by cami
I have tried eveything yu mentioned, as well as proactive and you know what works the best? Hot water to wash with, morning and night, then wrinse with cold very cold. Then apply 91% alcohol to all blemishes,like blackheads and pimples. that will dry emup and not dry out your whole face. Lotion that is good for the face is Clinique its a yellow color, its works great. I found it online.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Question by Brett lee: Health…..?
does anyone know any sites that i can find health programs??? in which i can found all health links such as mens health, womens health, general health, skin care, prostate health and much more in competition such as got the best site for health in 2006 ?

Best answer:

Answer by Vahid

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Breast Implants?

Question by ~Mandi~: Breast Implants?
I’m 22-I’m wanting to get breast implants. However, I’m also planning on having more kids (I have one already) so I was wondering if anyone has gotten implants and been okay with breastfeeding afterwards, or if you know how they would put the implants in and have me still be able to breast feed later in the future???

Best answer:

Answer by ashley
Docs really dont like to put implaint in knowing that you still want kids. From what I know you cant breastfeed if you have implants. I would wait to get them until after you have your last child. That way you dont have to go in for a second time be cause of the sag that your get after haveing the baby

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What would you choose between the beauty of innocence and the innocence of beauty?

Question by muhiu: What would you choose between the beauty of innocence and the innocence of beauty?
Again…..what would you choose between the beauty of innocence and the innocence of beauty?
Someone mighty say beauty is evidently displayed but innocence is hidden, others would prefer both, but suppose you accept the dilemma between the two what would you choose.
As a lady what would you like people to esteem you for, between your beauty , if any, and the innocence in you if any?

Best answer:

Answer by Paladin
Physical beauty is merely skin deep, and innocence is fine in children but not in adults.

I would not place either on a list alongside such true virtues as gentleness, sincerity, courage, perseverance, courteousness, and loyalty.

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What is the difference between public health and community health?

Question by IaskYouanswer: What is the difference between public health and community health?
What is the difference between public health and community health?
A. Public health involves the health of the nation, and community health involves doctors and other health professionals in a community.
B. Public health protects the health of everyone, and community health protects the health of all those in a particular community.
C. Public health gives free health care to individuals, and community health keeps the food, water supply, and general environment healthy for the community.
D. Public health is concerned with the health of individuals, and community health is concerned with overall health statistics.

Best answer:

Answer by RenRen
A. Public health looks at everyone from all over. We (I’m an epidemiologist) are concerned with things that may be coming down the pike and hit all of us (like bird flu, etc.). Community health mostly involves doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals that tailor interventions to a particular community’s needs, and they generally don’t plan out for “the bigger picture”, although they do a heck a job in their locales, since they know it better.

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