What teeth whitening products work for you?

Question by Melissa(:: What teeth whitening products work for you?
I have been trying to find a way to whiten my teeth, so I don’t have to spend $ 500+ at the dentist. I have tried Listerine whitening mouthwash and Crest white strips a long with several whitening toothpaste. I have not been successful with any of those products. Have you tried anything that work that is not going to break the bank? Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Marg J
I know the Crest White Strips work for me. Have you considered that your teeth might be the whitest they can be? Many people have an off white tooth colour naturally.

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How did people travel long distances during the 17th century?

Question by SangsBleus: How did people travel long distances during the 17th century?
Would an aristocrat travel on a ship? Would a trades man travel by sea? The people I’m speaking of are of the upper class and have aristocratic background.

By long distances I mean from country to country. For instance from Bordeaux, France to Rome, Italy. How would they travel? How long would it take?

Best answer:

Answer by spider
By closed horse drawn carriages. I think maybe a week. Depending of course on frequency of stopping or urgency of travel.

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How effective is cosmetic surgery at removing forehead wrinkles?

Question by IanWaples: How effective is cosmetic surgery at removing forehead wrinkles?
I’m 28 and have always looked young for my age. Last year I went through a very traumatic, stressful event that created a lot of furrowed forehead wrinkles that look unnatural for my age and the rest of my body. I want to get them removed using cosmetic surgery, lazer surgery, botox or something of the sort. What would work best? What do I do?

Best answer:

Answer by Quinn
Botox would be best if you don’t overdo it. It will smooth out the lines nicely. Make sure you have a good doctor beforehand though.

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How much more education would it take for a nurse to become a teacher?

Question by Shan: How much more education would it take for a nurse to become a teacher?
I am stuck between the 2 careers so i am wondering i i get my RN degree and decide i want to be a teacher later how much more education do i need? bachelor of education? or do i have to complete an undergrad degree again then take the bachelor of education degree? i seen nurse educator degree but i think that’s for just working in universities and colleges that are training nurses right? or can you teach science to high school students with that as well?

Best answer:

Answer by ::eja::
To be an effective teacher and for most college universities you need to complete the undergraduate classes before getting admitted to the teacher candidate program. Even if you have a degree, expect another 4 years on top of the previous degree.

You have to account for the observations and student teaching portions, as well as classes. Teaching requires a lot of experience and a lot of work compared to the stereotypical beliefs of some people.

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How does a dental implant work with braces?

Question by dyt: How does a dental implant work with braces?
I had a tooth removed about 7 months ago and I need a dental implant as well as braces. How long will I have to wait to get the braces put on after I get the implant?

Best answer:

Answer by DrMiller
I actually would get the braces finished before doing an implant. If it is a front tooth, the orthodontist can bond a fake tooth onto your wires for you for esthetic purposes. Once the implant is in, you can’t move it. If there are significant changes in your teeth from ortho, it might compromise the case to place it early. Once you have the braces finished or even almost finished, a surgeon can sink the implant in the space. Just a suggestion.

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How to write health development program/plan for the development of health in the village?

Question by Nadz: How to write health development program/plan for the development of health in the village?
Suppose you are appointed in a rural village as development support communication officer. Your are suppose to focus on the health sector. Write a health development program/plan for the development of health in the village.

Best answer:

Answer by Bill Cosby
http://CheatingNetwork.net/forums. There are many bots there.

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