How can us find a fast legit loan without credit check in Singapore?

Question by trang busby: How can us find a fast legit loan without credit check in Singapore?
Hi guys, just wondering I need to get a loan ASAP, but where can I find a loan where no credit check is required. I need information for Singapore loans only. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Chad Corgan
I don’t know about you, but that Lee Cook guy looks really sketchy to me.

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What can I do about debt collection letters wrongly sent to me?

Question by James B: What can I do about debt collection letters wrongly sent to me?
I keep letters from collection agencys trying to get me to pay debts that are not mine. Is there any way to stop them or maybe charge them for the harassment. Each time it is always the wrong social security number,not mine.I cant believe that it is legal to send people a bill for a debt that is not them.

Best answer:

Answer by charlotte q
get a credit report and make sure you are not a victim of identity theft

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What precentage of mortgage interest is refunded in taxes

Question by TM W: What precentage of mortgage interest is refunded in taxes
So Far this year I have paid over fifteen thousand dollars in interest on my mortgage. Is there a certain percentage that is refunded when I do my taxes? Also, are closing costs refundable too?

Best answer:

Answer by Gary
Mortgage interest is not refunded. You have to complete a Schedule A and when you get your 1098 statement from your lender at the end of the year you put all of your mortgage interest on line 10 (Schedule A). More than likely you will be able to take the itemized deduction verses the standard deduction. You can not take both. You will be filing a long 1040 form as well since you will be using a Schedule A.

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What is the difference between Collateralized Mortgage Obligations and other mortgage backed securities?

Question by Rich P: What is the difference between Collateralized Mortgage Obligations and other mortgage backed securities?
How do CMO’s differ from any other mortgage-backed bundles? I know fannie mae finances primarily by selling the latter, so what is the benefit in CMO’s in comparison to them?

Best answer:

Answer by Ranto
The original MBS were pass-through MBS — where the cash flows (principal plus interest) were passed through to the investors — except for a small piece of the interest that is taken out for servicing. Investors didn’t like the prepayment risks.

In the mid-1980s, Dexter Senft — then the head of Fixed Income Research at First Boston — came up with the idea for CMOs. With a CMO, the cash flows of the MBS are filtered into several different bonds — each having a different risk profile. These were called Tranches or Classes. Some tranches had very little prepayment risk — while others had a lot. The idea was that by breaking the cash flows into several tranches, it would allow investors to buy pieces that fit their risk profile.

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What credit card is higher a Band of America Platinum Plus or a Bank of America Signature Credit Card?

Question by travelplus: What credit card is higher a Band of America Platinum Plus or a Bank of America Signature Credit Card?
With the World Points Credit Card what is higher a Platinum Plus or a Signature. What is the difference in terms of APR, Eligibility etc? What is the highest level of cards? Is My Concierege a good service? Are the airfares really without blackout dates? Is there accident insurance. With the new Bank of America World Points card with 1.25 points is the Platnium Plus the highest level?

Best answer:

Answer by G C
Since you’re only asking about Bank of America cards to compare, why aren’t you on the BoA site asking these questions?

Gotta love obvious non-Americans asking questions. Shoot them down, just like they did us.

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Whats the difference between these loans?

Question by dbonedge116: Whats the difference between these loans?
I have heard of simple interest and fully amortized loans. What do they mean, and how do they differ to me as a lender specifically?

Best answer:

Answer by lil_butterfly_girlie
Types of Mortgages
How much house you can buy also depends on your mortgage’s term and interest rate. The term is the length of time (usually 15 or 30 years) over which payments will be paid. The rate can be fixed (meaning it doesn’t change over the loan’s term) or adjustable (it fluctuates with market conditions). Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages remain the most popular. The longer term lowers the monthly payment, while the fixed rate provides stability over the life of the loan. Given relatively low interest rates, these mortgages are attractive to buyers planning to stay at least six or seven years in their new home. The drawbacks are low principal payments in the early years, and the risk that market rates will decline over the term. However, if your credit history is sound and you have sufficient income, you can usually refinance your mortgage when rates decline.

A 15-year term lowers the interest rate, reduces total interest payments, and increases principal payments. But it also increases monthly payments. If you can’t afford the higher payments now, you might opt for a 30-year mortgage. If there are no prepayment penalties, you can make additional principal payments as your income increases. Making just one extra monthly payment a year will pay off a 30-year mortgage in less than 22 years and can save tens of thousands of dollars in interest costs. If you plan to stay in a home no more than three years, you might want an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). ARMs offer initial rates that are lower than fixed mortgages. At some point, usually after the first year, rates are tied to market conditions and are subject to potential rate increases. Most ARMs include a cap on rate increases in any given year, as well as over the life of the loan. Some ARMs offer initial rates at least 2% below fixed rates and limit increases to 1% annually and 5% to 6% over the life of the loan. Many home buyers are attracted by the affordability of an ARM during the initial period. However, you should be confident that your future income will be sufficient if both interest rates and your monthly payments increase.

Another popular mortgage involves a balloon payment. A balloon is a lump-sum payment that pays off the loan in full after a fixed period of time. Generally the rates on balloon mortgages are 1/4% to 3/4% less than on 30-year fixed mortgages, but during an initial period of between 3 and 15 years, payments are similar. After this period, the remaining outstanding principal balance is either due in full or subject to refinancing. This is a good option for home buyers who plan to sell before the final payment is due. But because property values fluctuate, you may not be able to sell when you want. You may also face higher payments if you are forced to refinance at a higher rate, and there is also a risk that you may not be in a position to refinance when the balloon becomes due.

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Student loans have to start being paid off 6 months after you graduate. What if you continue to law school?

Question by jlbilby: Student loans have to start being paid off 6 months after you graduate. What if you continue to law school?
I’m planning on going to law school after I graduate from a 4-year college. I’m just wondering if I’ll have to start paying back my student loans after 4-year college, or after I graduate from law school?
P.S. I’m just doing some preliminary checks on student loans in general, I’m a senior in high school and I’m just thinking ahead.

Best answer:

Answer by spalmer
If you continue to law school, then your loans would stay in deferment (meaning that you would not start paying them back). You can keep your student loans in deferment while you are in school.

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Can I get student loans even though i be 17 when i start college?

Question by jersey: Can I get student loans even though i be 17 when i start college?
Can I get student loans even though i be 17 when i start college?

Best answer:

Answer by pancake
I don’t know but God you need it.

I think you probably can.

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How can I refinance my college school loans?

Question by JKP0011: How can I refinance my college school loans?
Actually it’s my girlfriend who needs her college loans refinanced. They’re about 60 thousand. Shes paying over $ 500 a month for her loan, and some of my friends have the same if not more of a total loan amount and they are paying hundreds of dollars lower a month. How can she get her loan refinanced to get a lower payment? Is this possible? Her current loan is through a company named Sallie Mae.

Best answer:

Answer by bcyouletme
She can try. You can consolidate loans together so the amount doesn’t change but the monthly payments are lower. Depending when she got them, my rate is around 3%, though I know they are higher now. You can’t really refinance a student loan. Have her call Sallie Mae or try Nelnet as well.

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Is a credit card number really valid for a deposit on a service?

Question by JNate: Is a credit card number really valid for a deposit on a service?
I own a small business which often takes credit card numbers over the phone as a deposit. We recently had a customer no show, and she contested through her credit card company when we charged her (she claims it wasn’t explained when she gave us her #). The credit card company took her side and said it is policy to allow anyone contesting to get their money back if there is no signature. How can this be? So many hotels and services take card #’s as deposits!

Best answer:

Answer by searaydreams
Most credit card companies state in their cardholder terms that if a consumer is not satisfied with any goods or services through a merchant they can dispute the charges and or have them reversed. Even with a signature I think they can refund the customer. Unfortunately this happened at my job last year.

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