Question by Lynda M ♥: How many years can you finance undeveloped land for? My husband and I are trying to move and want to buy land to buy a home. We have enough for $ 8000 down but need to finance about $ 19000. We want to buy it now so that we can [...]
Archive for August, 2010
How does a foreigners get loans for a business?
Question by amazedmaize: How does a foreigners get loans for a business? I have heard that foreign people get loans a lot easier for businesses. Are they government grants? Where do you go to apply for these? They are specifically for foreigners trying to invest in America. Best answer: Answer by LiliRoseNot sure, but is [...]
How does the debt collection process work on an unsecured loan?
Question by Wildfire: How does the debt collection process work on an unsecured loan? I am 105K in debt(mortgage, student loan, car and the unsecured loan) and lost my former job due to lack of work. I got a new job but I am out 15K/yr. Through much juggling, I am paying off everyone except [...]
What happens when a student loan is cancelled due permanent disability, but the student is rehabilitated?
Question by dressed_2_kill_2008: What happens when a student loan is cancelled due permanent disability, but the student is rehabilitated? When a guaranteed student loan is discharged and later cancelled due to what is considered a total and permanent disability but many years after the cancellation of the loan the individual is rehabilitated and able to [...]
What careers in finance would be benefitted by a legal education?
Question by jeffreyzwerner: What careers in finance would be benefitted by a legal education? What type of careers in finance would be best suites to e filled by a lawyer or law school grad? Investment banking, mergers and acquisitions, securities law…? Also, what do you think of these career paths in such a crazy time, [...]
What is a good credit card for a person with no credit history?
Question by Micah: What is a good credit card for a person with no credit history? I’ve applied for two student cards, one with Chase bank and one with discover, and have be denied a credit card both times due to lack of credit history. What is a card that will allow me to build [...]
Can student loan interest be an itemized deduction on your taxes?
Question by msphenom83: Can student loan interest be an itemized deduction on your taxes? The Student Loan Deduction allows you to deduct up to $ 2500. In 2007 I paid well over $ 2500 in interest and obviously want to take advantage of this. Best answer: Answer by bostonianinmoIt’s an above the line adjustment, not [...]
How much will a motorcycle loan cost me each month for 36 or 48 months ?
Question by Adrian R: How much will a motorcycle loan cost me each month for 36 or 48 months ? I am planning on buying a motorcycle. I want to buy from a private seller. The motorcycle costs $ 9000. I plan to pay my loan back by 36-48 months. How much will my payments [...]