How long after the delinquent student loan is paid off, can i apply for another one?

Question by love180: How long after the delinquent student loan is paid off, can i apply for another one?
i have a delinquent student loan that is being taken out of my check and is wondering how long after the delinquent student loan is paid off can i apply for another one…or am i not eligible for one anymore?

Best answer:

Answer by robert w

Please , u didn’t learn ur lesson the first time? u like debt slavery agin?
plz visit to learn ur hard lessons from others mistakes.
suggest u earn cash for college, your return of investment is better.

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How have countries converted public debt in the past?

Question by T: How have countries converted public debt in the past?
Charles P Kindelberger mentions in Manias, Panics and Crashes that large-scale conversions of public debt occurred in 1822, 1824, and 1888. He also says interest rate declines were associated with the public debt conversion. Which countries have converted public debt and what did the creditors get in return? Is it correct to assume the debtor’s currency is devalued and the government nationalizes private property to do so?

Best answer:

Answer by Helen Killer
The problem is that 60% of our wealth is owned by the Rothschild and their associated families, and a lot of our dollar is propped up by china. We could just start using Euros slowly and re-issue based on the govt holding commodities. Its gonna be a mess no matter what.

I bought gold, grain and Euros, because the dollar might crash.

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Is it possible to transfer student loans to a different school?

Question by Jeremiah: Is it possible to transfer student loans to a different school?
I’ve become rather upset at the school I am currently at. I am looking to change schools very soon if possible. Does anyone know if student loans to another school as long as the new school is accredited? Or do I have to reapply for loans?Can you even transfer to another school that isn’t accredited but is the same course material?
I love mistyping. That should have asked whether anyone knows whether the loans can be transfered.

Best answer:

Answer by Jennifer S
You have to talk to the lender, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem

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How long after a debt settlment program does your credit go up?

Question by The Tycoon: How long after a debt settlment program does your credit go up?
On average how long does it take? Once through the program if you compare 2 people, one with debt and high score. The other with “bruised” credit and no debt and almost high score which one is better?

Best answer:

Answer by 1 Hr Bookkeeper
This all depends on how you settle your debt…For example, closing an account when settling will bring your score down regardless of how soon you pay it off. In actuality, you can easily bring your score up in 30 days by doing a simple credit report cleanup. There are two links below to two great articles which can tell you step by step how to clean your credit, and how to strengthen it fast. If you don’t follow those steps, it can take as much as six to eight years to get your score up.

As to your other question, the high score person will always do better. What creditors look at is how many inquiries you have and how many late payments (“bruises”) you have. Someone with debt who pays on time is a good candidate for more credit.

Check out the articles below for credit myths that most people believe, and how to raise your score in 30 days.

Hope this helps.

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What is the best route to getting an accounting/finance job?

Question by juniorgolfer22: What is the best route to getting an accounting/finance job?
I want to get into an accounting job but do not have experience. I have a bachelors of business finance and I will start on a masters of accounting program this year. I want to get some experience before I finish my masters program. What do I need to do to get started in the field?

Best answer:

Answer by Anjo jabril
Get a part time job with a temp agency and do as much in that field as possible. Even if it is to be a file clerk, get to work for someone in this business. This will get you to know some influential people, and show them you are able to do the job. Then ask them to help you get a permanent job in that field. Do lots of footwork, go apply as many jobs in accounting and finance business. Dress well, learn to speak well, and make sure your marks are top . Know your stuff. And keep looking.
In other word, start building your bridges now. Good luck.

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What does debt relief companies do for you?

Question by justapiece44: What does debt relief companies do for you?
How do they proper? Is what they do legal and does it really stop collection calls? What if a person is already in a payment program where they have access to your checking account and you turn your debts over to a debt relief company? What is the procedures. Is using a debt relief really worth it to get out of debt?

Best answer:

Answer by GG
aside from rip you off, they pay ur debtors for you with ur money you pay them

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How can I lower my mortgage payments on my home when I have two homes with high mortgage payments?

Question by Bryan Smith: How can I lower my mortgage payments on my home when I have two homes with high mortgage payments?
I built a house in 2008 but have not been able to close on the home and secure a mortgage. The mortgage companies I have spoken with tell me that until my previous home is sold I will have to continue with a construction loan and a very high payment. Does anyone have any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by Tigg
Yes sell your other home. You unwisely took on more then you can afford otherwise a lender would have given you a mortgage.

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What company will give you a credit card when you have no credit?

Question by mandaz86: What company will give you a credit card when you have no credit?
I am 19 years old with little to no credit history. I was able to get a credit card through a department store but was declined for a credit card through the bank (where i work none the less!) and for another one through a store.

I am not desparate for money. My reasoning is to build my credit score. I would perfer not to take out a loan to build credit until i actually have something i need a loan for.

So… Does anyone know of a credit card company that will give someone like me credit card? I dont want to keep applying if I am just going to get rejected everytime. Thanks!!

Best answer:

Answer by Rick Ven
Try Capital One. If not, there are many companies offering secured visa or mastercards. You pay $ 500 or $ 1000 and you get a limit for that amount. 12 months into using and paying it off and you should be able to get a bank card.

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How long are most engagement ring loans?

Question by Tim: How long are most engagement ring loans?
I’m planning on buying an engagement ring very soon and was trying to figure out about what i could afford. Are most loans for jewelry 1 year or can you have longer pay periods? I was hoping to get about a $ 3-4k ring and was wondering about what the monthly payments would be. Thanks for any information!

Best answer:

Answer by Kat J
Most loans for jewelry will be for 1 year. You may be able to sign up for a credit card through the company you buy the ring from, and take longer to pay it, but after a certain amount of time (ex. 1 year) they will start to charge you interest. If you get a ring for 4,000 and want to pay it off in one year, your monthly payment would be about 333.xx/mo.

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What are the remedies against an agency trying to collect a debt past the statute of limitations for my state?

Question by skywaytraveler: What are the remedies against an agency trying to collect a debt past the statute of limitations for my state?
The statute of limitations for collecting debts in my state is five years. Some collection agency claims to have bought up an old debt from the year 2002. The company claims that they sold the debt and washes their hands of it. I called the collection agency and told them of the five year collection limitation, but they continue calling five to six times a week on a dead debt. What recourse is available to me for this harrassment?

Best answer:

Answer by robert w
settle it for pennies on dollars.
if u owe it , u owe it.

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