How much more does sedation dentistry cost as opposed to regular dentistry?

Question by TJ Fox: How much more does sedation dentistry cost as opposed to regular dentistry?
I need close to $ 2,000 of work done on my teeth, but I get extremely nervous when I know I have a dentist appointment comming up. When I am at the appointment, I get even more scared and i’ve had a panic attack. I’ve been reading people’s experiences with sedation dentistry and it sounds like the way to go for me. I am also aware that it does cost more, but my question is how much more? As I stated before, I need around 2,000 dollars of work done, so approximately how much would that be if I took the sedation route?

Best answer:

Answer by YourAnswer…
Only your dentist can tell you what the difference would be. Depends if you have insurance as well.

It can be a bit more, but it is worth every penny.

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How can I get a job in Technical Theatre?

Question by bloodymarie04: How can I get a job in Technical Theatre?
I have been involved in theatre since my sophomore year of high school. I have done lights (both setting and running the board), set construction, stage manager, floor/run crew, assistant director, and assistant prop master. I am interested in pursuing a career in technical theatre and I’m just wondering what the best way to do that is? Do I need to go to college and major in theatre? Is there a way to get a job in the field without finishing college? I’m from a small town in the midwest, do I need to move to the coast or to a bigger city? Thank you in advance for your advice!

Best answer:

Answer by Muhammad A
Move to Los Angeles and do Broadways.

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How do we fix the health care problem Republicans and Demarcates if Universal health care insurance will fail?

Question by Doug favors universal insurance!: How do we fix the health care problem Republicans and Demarcates if Universal health care insurance will fail?
I made the argument for Universal health care Insurance, I have heard the arguments against it, I would like to know what would fix the problem if it won’t work?
When they go to the clinic, their insurance would be accepted their, there will be doctors that accept the insurance thus giving the poor people a line to get in. How can that be a bad thing?
Julie S, well said :)

Best answer:

Answer by clockneko
It doesn’t fail, almost every first world country has it setup as a system.

Unless of course you view treatment of the poorer people a failure.

The benefit to not treating a lot of people, is faster care for the wealthy.

If you don’t want to have universal health care, the government can step in and price fix medical procedures like they do in japan. It works okay for them. They can afford adequate medical treatment because the government forces it to be affordable, and the same prices in rural as in urban areas.

The real problem with our system, coming from someone who has an entire family in medicine (Doctors, surgeons, nurses)…is the insurance companies. They buffer every side. The doctors, the hospital, the patients, everyone has to get insurance, and they are the ones forcing prices higher and higher.

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How do i get my travel drive to work on my schools computer and at home?

Question by shell: How do i get my travel drive to work on my schools computer and at home?
I bought a travel drive a couple days ago. I used it on my computer first. I needed to type a couple essay on it. When i brought it to school it wouldn’t let me open it. It kept saying that i have to be a privileged user. That i can’t be a guest which is what i am when i use my schools computer. How can i fix this problem so that i can use my travel drive at school as a guest and at home. Please help.

Best answer:

Answer by JonS
go to My Computer at school and search for your travel drive name

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How do I find community theatre in my area?

Question by Rob B: How do I find community theatre in my area?
Back in the day when I was a little brat, I made my mom drive me all over creation to audition for plays.

Now I am a big brat, and bored over my summer vacation. How do I find community theatre in my area to view or to audition for? I am looking for general ways as to find them in my area, or if you are from Dupage County, IL, perhaps I could have specific answers as to what community theatre groups are around.

Best answer:

Answer by KC
Oh I must live near you I’m in DuPage too! I know Northwestern has a few musicals and in Downers Grove they have a community theatre that performs at lincoln center (I forgot the name). You could also ask school drama directors because some do community theatre also. Good Luck!

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What major do you recommend with pre-dentistry or pre-medicine?

Question by john: What major do you recommend with pre-dentistry or pre-medicine?
They always say that Biology or Chemistry are the safest choices that go well with the medical field… Give me your opinion and tell me what major do you recommend for someone who wants to study pre-dentistry or pre-medicine…

Best answer:

Answer by I ♥ Penguins
You could do any major you wanted but make sure you take all the pre-reqs to get into the dental or medical schools. I’d say you could easily major in psychology and then minor in biology and chemistry.

Good luck!

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How long does it take for a Strauman dental implant to heal before the crown can be placed?

Question by Mary Rose: How long does it take for a Strauman dental implant to heal before the crown can be placed?
I just had 3 Strauman implants paced on me about 3 weeks ago. My surgeon said they should heal within 6-8 weeks. By then we can put on the crown.

I had 5 other implants a year ago using different materials and it took 6 months for the bones to heal over the titanium screw and another 2 weeks after the healing caps were placed before we could finally put on the crowns.

I want other opinions from people who know about this stuff. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by younus127
yup 6 weeks or so is must…. it depends on the healing capacity of the bone and age…..nthin 2 wry abt it it varies….

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I am having 4 credit cards and done the balance transfer. Can i apply one more credit Card?

Question by man: I am having 4 credit cards and done the balance transfer. Can i apply one more credit Card?
I am having 4 credit cards and done the balance transfer. Now I need to pay one of credit before April. I want to apply one more credit card to do that. It is possible to apply one more credit card. Which is the best credit that gives me higher credit limit? When can I apply the credit card?

Best answer:

Answer by mjr062
your crazy for even having 2 gl with that one lol

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What colleges in New York have pre dentistry?

Question by Felis C: What colleges in New York have pre dentistry?
I live in Rochester and I was wondering if there is any colleges that have pre dentistry close to where I live.

Best answer:

Answer by Ni
I hear Canisus has a great pre dental program.

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How do you start a month for cancer?

Question by Snow cub: How do you start a month for cancer?
You know how breast cancer has a month. I want to know how start something like that for cervical cancer. How do I do that?

Best answer:

Answer by Panda
There is already a Cervical Health Awareness month in the US that highlights cancer, HPV, and early detection . . it’s in January. It was established by the National Cervical Cancer Coalition.

Cervical Health Awareness Month

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