UPDATE 1-UK’s Cobham among winners in USAF tanker contract News

UPDATE 1-UK’s Cobham among winners in USAF tanker contract
* To provide hose and drogue aerial refuelling system * To announce financial details once contract finalised LONDON, Feb 25 (Reuters) - British aerospace electronicsgroup Cobham said on Friday that it …
Read more on Reuters UK Focus via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance

France, UK draft sanctions text on Libya
The UN Security Council plans to meet to receive a French-British draft proposal for sanctions against Libyan leaders over the deadly attacks on demonstrators there, say envoys.
Read more on News 24 South Africa

How do i get a credit card since i have just established credit?

Question by Lyndsay F: How do i get a credit card since i have just established credit?
I need a card with no annual fee and thats not a scam or atleast a company i can get one from i want to start establishing my credit on good terms and i also need a card that reports to the three major credit bearues.

Best answer:

Answer by Iffy
Apply at the bank where you have your checking account. You must be 21 yrs of age otherwise a parent must open the account for you

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FRANCE 24 Health - Industrial impacts on our health

An accident at an Alumina factory in Hungary smothers three villages with a toxic sludge, leaving 9 dead and scores of others burned and badly injured. HEALTH meets those burned by the alkaline mud which ate deep into their skin. At Budapest’s hospitals doctors still rely on results from Greenpeace to see what metals or toxic materials are present in the mud. www.france24.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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What is the best place to finance a ring ?

Question by Brennen: What is the best place to finance a ring ?
Looking to get a ring but want to finance it. Know of any places online ?

Best answer:

Answer by kissybertha

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Iced Earth - Alive In Athens - Travel In Stygian

Iced Earth playing the song Travel In Stygian live in Athens, Greece.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Atlanta weather | Rain move out, skies clear

Atlanta weather | Rain move out, skies clear
Atlanta weather | Rain move out, skies clear
Read more on Atlanta Journal-Constitution

UPDATE 1-Severe weather, forecasting could prompt force majeure rethink
* Better weather forecasting could change force majeureprovisions * Directors could face more pressure to manage climate risks (Edits) SINGAPORE, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Worsening weather and betterforecasting …
Read more on Reuters UK Focus via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance

Friday weather: Rain, high wind and possible flooding
The National Weather Service in State College has issued a high wind warning for the York area, extending from late Friday morning until late Friday afternoon.
Read more on The York Dispatch

How to successfully use a secured credit card?

Question by Nick Vanderklerk: How to successfully use a secured credit card?
I’m a college student and I recently purchased a secured credit card. For the past 5 months of having this card, I’ve paid off the balance almost immediately after it showed up on my credit statement (I use online banking). But I want to know if this is the most effective way to build credit, or should i leave a balance and just pay my minimum? Which is more effective at building a higher credit score. Please help, any input is welcome, positive or negative.

Best answer:

Answer by bdancer222
None of the above. Carrying balances does absolutely nothing special to improve your score. It just costs interst. Nor does paying online immediately after making the charge. Some credit cards will actually refuse online payments after 3 or 4 payments per month.

The best way to handle any credit card is to use it and pay the balance in full by the statement due date. You build good payment history and save interest. You also get to take advantage of the interest free grace period between the purchase date and the statement due date.

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Latest Fashion News

Down-to-earth approach to fashion sells magazine
Pittsburgh may not be considered a fashion-savvy town, but Nick and Robyn Bracco are hoping to change that. The couple publish Pittsburgh Fashion Magazine, which they started in February 2010.
Read more on Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Fashion freeze
It was a frosty standoff between designers Tom Ford and Valentino over “The King’s Speech” star Colin Firth at the Sunset Tower Hotel’s…
Read more on New York Post

What type of loan should I request if I need to start a business, but will have the loan paid back in months?

Question by tenpercentblack: What type of loan should I request if I need to start a business, but will have the loan paid back in months?
I may be investing a portion of my loan into an account that will provide the dividend that will pay back my loan in a few months time. What should I look for?

Best answer:

Answer by jst4pat
talk with a banker about a small business loan or a personal loan..good lick

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Can I turn down a mortgage after signing a mortgage application?

Question by Chris: Can I turn down a mortgage after signing a mortgage application?
I’ve been having many issues with the lender I choose to do my mortgage. I am considering getting an lender to do the mortgage before the first lender gives me a final acceptance or denial. Am I obligated to complete the first mortgage if the first lender approves? The loan is currently in underwriting.

Best answer:

Answer by the_unluckiest
You most certainly can. An application is not the same as an actual mortgage. You sign off your permission for them to do a credit check etc in order to approve you for a mortgage. Then you’ll get actual mortgage documents that you have to sign which become the legally binding ones that are difficult to backtrack out of. From what you’re saying, you haven’t signed the actual mortgage. Since you haven’t, you are more than welcomed to tell them to stop the process and go elsewhere.

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